Xavier Calvet, Medical Staff of Hepatology Unit in Digestive System Service at the Parc Taulí Sabadell Hospital, Spain.
Loreto Boix, Basic researcher at the BCLC, Liver Unit, at the Hospital Clínic of Barcelona, Spain.
Antoni Castells, Director of the Digestive Disease Institute at the Hospital Clínic of Barcelona, Spain.
Álex Vianey Callado França, Coordinator of the Hepatology Unit at Universidade Federal de Sergipe, Centro de Ciências Biológicas e da Saúde, Aracaju, Brasil.
Josep M Llovet, Professor of Research-ICREA. Director of HCC Research at Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York, USA.
Javier Bustamante, Medical Staff of Hepatology and Transplantation Unit at the Hospital Universitario de Cruces, Bilbao, Spain.
Carmen Yanette Suarez, Professor of Medicine at the Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Professor of Medicine at the Universidad Javeriana de Bogotá. Medical staff as gastroenterologist and hepatologist at both the Hospital Universitario San Ignacio and at the Clínica Shaio of Bogotá. President of the Colombian Hepatology Association.
Carolina Armengol, Basic researcher at the Hospital Universitari Germans Trias I Pujol, Spain.
Marta Burrel, Senior Specialist of Interventional Radiology Unit at the Hospital Clínic of Barcelona, Spain.
Maria Varela, Medical Staff of Digestive System Service and Responsible of the Interdiciplinary Hepatocellular Carcinoma Group at the Hospital Universitario Central de Asturias (HUCA), Oviedo, Spain.
Margarita Sala, Medical Staff of Hepatology Unit at the Hospital Universitari Germans Trias I Pujol, Spain.
Fernando Pons, Medical Staff of Hepatology Unit in Digestive System Service at the Hospital Universitario Puerta del Hierro Majadahonda, Spain.
Alejandro Forner, Medical Staff of Hepatology Unit in the BCLC group at the Hospital Clínic of Barcelona, Spain.
Fernanda Branco Medical Faculty of Clinical and Surgical Gatroenterology Service at Hospital Santa Casa de Porto Alegre. Ecographist at Hospital Santa Casa de Porto Alegre and at Oncología de Porto Alegre Clinic.
Amelia Hessheimer, Resident in Surgery at the Department of Surgery of the Hospital Clínic of Barcelona, Spain.
Carlos Rodríguez de Lope, Medical Staff of Hepatology Unit in Digestive System Service at the Hospital Universitario Marqués de Valdecilla, Santander, Spain.
Silvia Tremosini, Medical Staff of Medicine and Gastroenterology Service at the Arcispedale S. Maria Nuova Hospital, Reggio Emilia,Italy.
 Daniela Sia  Postdoctoral Fellow in HCC Research at Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York, USA.
Augusto Villanueva, Medical Staff of Hepatology Unit at King’s College Hospital, London, United Kingdom.
Clara Alsinet, Postdoctoral Fellow in Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, Cambridgeshire, United Kingdom.
Alexandre Liccioni,  Hepatologist in Bayonne, France.
Alessia Gazzola, Gastroenterology resident at Azienda Ospedaliera di Padova, Universitàa degli Studi di Padova, Padova, Italy.
Roberto Di Donato, Internal Medicine resident at Policlinico Sant'Orsola-Malpighi, Dipartimento Universitario di Scienze Mediche e Chirurgiche, Università di Bologna. Bologna, Italy.
Helena Cornellà, Postdoctoral Fellow at Translational Cancer Research, Medicon Village, Lund University, Sweden
Andrea Ribeiro Medical Director PRA Health Sciences
Victoria Tovar Bayer Hispania
Cassia Regina Guedes Leal Hospital Federal dos Servidores do Estado, Brazil
Leonardo Gomes da Fonseca Instituto do Cancer do Estado de São Paulo, Universidade de São Paulo
Álvaro Díaz González Hospital Marqués de Valdecilla - Santander
Sergio Muñoz Hospital del Vall d'Hebrón
Marco Sanduzzi Zamparelli - Médico adjunto en Hospital Clínic Barcelona, Servicio Hepatología