
Dr. Marco Sanduzzi obtained funding from the Convocatoria Proyectos Intramurales para Personal Investigador Joven CIBEREHD 2024, for the project Boosting immunotherapy in a preclinical model of Hepatocellular Carcinoma: The opposite effect of Proton-Pump Inhibitors and Fecal Microbiome Transplantation (MICRO-BOOST)”

On March 17, 2024, the Convocatoria Proyectos Intramurales para Personal Investigador Joven CIBEREHD 2024 was published, to strengthen collaboration between research groups in the CIBER area of Liver and Digestive Diseases, and contribute to the competitiveness of young, oriented research staff, to the financing of two innovative cooperative research projects, to be developed by young researchers that allow them to generate preliminary results to present in competitive calls as IPs.

Dr. Marco Sanduzzi obtained funding from the Convocatoria Proyectos Intramurales para Personal Investigador Joven CIBEREHD 2024, for the project Boosting immunotherapy in a preclinical model of Hepatocellular Carcinoma: The opposite effect of Proton-Pump Inhibitors and Fecal Microbiome Transplantation (MICRO-BOOST)”. Yulia Nevzorova is the coinvestigator in Madrid.

Friday October 25, 2024